Tuesday, January 22, 2019

NASA: The first people to walk on Mars are now born

It may be one of your classmates or colleagues, or anyone else, other than those that NASA says. NASA has announced that the first people walking on the Mars will live on Earth, which means they will not be long. Children who are already playing games and fun may become history in the future.

NASA says:
"For the safe deployment of human beings to Earth, engineers are developing a new space transportation system designed to travel to destinations beyond the planet. The Orion spacecraft and the long-range missile launcher system SLS are the most advanced space vehicles ever built by humans. These two devices can take us to the far parts of the solar system. Of course, with the help of these equipment, we will be able to explore areas beyond the Solar System, and our spaceships will be able to travel to Mars and beyond. "


Goggles do not need to be stained with your eyes regularly.

New displays are being developed that correct vision problems. This technology uses algorithms to change the display based on the user's medical specs or medical specification. This is done with the help of an optical filter in front of the displays.
The algorithm changes the light output of each pixel, and then, when it feeds on a very small hole in the plastic filter, it rays light into the retina to make the image clean and clear. The researchers say the idea behind the design is to figure out how your eyes are distorted in the normal form of the images on the screen, and then they will display the glasses or eye lenses correctly. Then these images change in advance, and finally the image you see becomes smooth.


How to remove Android phone data remotely?

PowerType: Your smartphone is now more than just a phone for phone calls. You have a lot of your private and personal information on your smartphone, which, if neglected, causes a lot of harm and abuse. If you lose your smartphone, your information is in the hands of others. There are plenty of security apps and security systems that can help you protect your data, but sometimes you just need to completely erase all of the information on your phone remotely and completely to make you feel comfortable. .

Fortunately, Google and Android support you, and there's no need to install any new apps for this.


Who steals your internet connection ?!

Opportunity: Anyone can have a specific reason, but it's interesting to always know who uses your home internet connection. Sometimes your home network password is not so strong as others can not cross the barrier. You may feel that the speed of the Internet has been greatly reduced, and photos and videos are getting very tedious. The reason may not always be stealing the Internet, but this is one of the most important situations.


Friday, January 18, 2019

The dangers of fake and infected Android applications

This tutorial examines the dangers of fake and infected applications in Android operating systems and solutions to it.
One way is to infect your operating system and access anonymous users to your personal information, malware, or infected applications. By installing infected apps, you get the way to penetrate your device. In other words, after installing malware on your system, malicious software will allow your hackers to gain access to your information. In this case, you will not realize the hacker's influence, while they control all your activities and will have access to all your information and files.


Elixir of youth; Not so far away

The results of recent scientists' recent experiments have shown that aging can be countered in the future. Researchers began the project by studying how to eliminate the old and dead cells that trouble the body. Old cells are cells that have not completely disappeared, but suffer from lack of performance or irreversible damage.
In this study, which was performed on mice, it was found that taking some medications would significantly improve body tissue, which is more similar to the body of the young body, and also the number of pyroclastic cells remains in the body. Symptoms of inflammatory disease are also significantly reduced. These medications also have a positive effect on body activity and longevity.


Snapchat's manager has restricted his child-retention access to the mobile

Snapchat's manager has restricted his child-retention access to the mobile device by 12 minutes a day.

Ivan Spiegel, founder and social network administrator at Snapchat, said Flynn, his son, could only use a 12-minute day, 90 minutes a minute, from a computer or mobile device.

Spiegel said in an interview that when he was a child, his parents did not allow him to watch television until he was adolescent and this helped him succeed.

Interestingly, if you know that Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sander Pitchay, Google's current CEO and Tim Cook, are the current manager of Apple who have been restricting their use of time in their childhood.


Which country is the fastest and cheapest internet in the world?

South Korea has been the name of the fastest and cheapest internet in the world for the last few years.
South Korea, which is currently the tenth largest country and the world's most powerful industrial power, has also ranked first and second in the United Nations Internet Development Profile.
To better explain this, the speed of the Internet in this East Asian country is more than 45 MB / s, which is almost half the size of the Internet in Germany.
South Korea is also ranked among the world's largest in terms of coverage, with 99% of Korean homes and families accessing and enjoying high-speed Internet access. This figure in Germany only accounts for 57% of the households and households.
